张进,博士,博士生导师,教授。主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目、浙江省林业新品种重大专项等课题;以第一/通讯作者在New Phytologist、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Plant Physiology等发表SCI论文50余篇(H指数28)。
2019.04-2020.07:美国橡树岭国家实验室,R&D Staff
代表性论文:(#共一, *通讯)
Zhang J, Yang Y, Zheng K, Xie M, Feng K, Jawdy S, Gunter L, Ranjan P, Singan V, Engle N, Lindquist E, Barry K, Schmutz J, Zhao N, Tschaplinski T, LeBoldus J, Tuskan G, Chen JG*, Muchero W*. Genome-wide association studies and expression‐ased quantitative trait loci analyses reveal roles of HCT2 in caffeoylquinic acid biosynthesis and its regulation by defense‐ esponsive transcription factors in Populus. New Phytologist, 2018, 220(2): 502-516.(第一作者)
Zhang J, Xie M, Li M, Ding J, Pu Y, Bryan A, Rottmann W, Winkeler K, Collins C, Singan V, Lindquist E, Jawdy S, Gunter L, Engle N, Yang X, Barry K, Tschaplinski T, Schmutz J, Tuskan G, Muchero W*, Chen JG*. Overexpression of a Prefoldin β subunit gene reduces biomass recalcitrance in the bioenergy crop Populus. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2020, 18(3): 859-871.(第一作者)
Zhang J.*, Wang X., Wang H. T., Qiao Z., Yao T., Xie M., ... & Chen J. G*. (2023). Overexpression of REDUCED WALL ACETYLATION C increases xylan acetylation and biomass recalcitrance in Populus.Plant Physiology, kiad377.(第一作者、通讯作者)
Yao, T.#,Zhang, J.#, Yates, T. B., Shrestha, H. K., Engle, N. L., Ployet, R., ... & Muchero, W. (2023). Expression quantitative trait loci mapping identified PtrXB38 as a key hub gene in adventitious root development in Populus.New Phytologist, 239(6), 2248-2264.(共同第一作者)
Fan C., Lyv M., Zeng B., He Q., Wang X., Lu MZ., Liu B., Esteban E., Pasha A., Provart NJ., Wang H.*,Zhang J.*; Profiling of the gene expression and alternative splicing landscapes of Eucalyptus grandis,Plant, Cell Environment, 2024, 1-16(通讯作者)
Zhang J#, Hu R#, Sreedasyam A, Garcia T, Lipzen A, Wang M, Yerramsetty P, Liu D, Ng V, Schmutz J, Cushman J, Borland A, Pasha A, Provart N, Chen JG, Muchero W, Tuskan GA, Yang X*. Light-responsive expression atlas reveals the effects of light quality and intensity in Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi, a plant with crassulacean acid metabolism. GigaScience, 2020, 9(3): giaa018.(第一作者)
Zhang J, Gao F, Jia H, Hu J*, Feng Z*. Molecular response of poplar to single and combined ozone and drought, Science of The Total Environment. 2019, 655: 1364-1375.(第一作者)
Zhang J*, Song X, Zhang L, Jia H, Peng X, Zhao Z, Su X, Li X, Lu M, Hu J*. Agronomic performance of 27 Populus clones evaluated after two 3-year coppice rotations in Henan, China. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 2020, 12(2): 168-181.(第一作者、通讯作者)
Xie M, Zhang J, Yao T, Bryan A, Pu Y, Labbe J, Pelletier D, Engle N, Morrell-Falvey J, Schmutz J, Ragauskas A, Tschaplinski T, Chen F, Tuskan G, Muchero W*, Chen JG*. Arabidopsis C‐ erminal Binding Protein ANGUSTIFOLIA modulates transcriptional co‐ egulation of MYB46 and WRKY33. New Phytologist. 2020, 228: 1627-1639.
Muchero W, Sondreli K, Chen JG, Urbanwicz B, Zhang J, Singan V, Yang Y, Brueggeman R, Franco-Coronado J, Abraham N, Yang J, Moremen K, Weisberg A, Chang J, Lindquist E, Barry K, Ranjan P, Jawdy S, Schmutz J, Tuskan GA, LeBoldus J*. Association mapping, transcriptomics, and transient expression identify candidate genes mediating plant-pathogen interactions in a tree. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2018, 115(45): 11573-11578.
Labbé J#, Muchero W#, Czarnecki O, Wang J, Wang X, Bryan A, Zheng K, Yang Y, Xie X, Zhang J, Wang D, Meidl P, Wang H, Morrell-Falvey J, Cope K, Maia L, Ané J, Mewalal R, Jawdy S, Gunter L, Schackwitz W, Martin J, Tacon F, Li T, Zhang Z, Ranjan P, Lindquist E, Yang X, Jacobson D, Tschaplinski T, Barry K, Schmutz J, Chen JG*, Tuskan GA. Mediation of plant–mycorrhizal interaction by a lectin receptorlike kinase. Nature Plants. 2019, 5: 676-680.
Blumstein M*, Richardson A, Weston D, Zhang J, Muchero W, Hopkins R. A new perspective on ecological prediction reveals limits to climate adaptation in a temperate tree species. Current Biology. 2020, 30(8): 1447-1453.
Xie M#, Muchero W#*, Bryan A, Yee K, Guo H, Zhang J, Tschaplinski T, Singan V, Lindquist E, Payyavula R, Barros-Rios J, Dixon R, Engle N, Sykes R, Davis M, Jawdy S, Gunter L, Thompson O, DiFazio S, Evans L, Winkeler K, Collins C, Schmutz J, Guo H, Kalluri U, Rodriguez M, Feng K, Chen JG*, Tuskan GA*. A 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate synthase functions as a transcriptional repressor in Populus. The Plant Cell.2018, 30(7): 1645-1660.
BMC Plant Biology– Associate Editor
BMC Biotechnology– Associate Editor
Frontiers in Plant Science– Guest Associate Editor
Frontiers in Genetics– Review Editor
Forestry Research– Associate Editor
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邮 箱:zhangj@zafu.edu.cn