曾为,湖南湘潭人。2001年本科毕业于北京师范大学生命科学学院。2009年博士毕业于美国俄亥俄大学(Ohio University)细胞和分子生物学专业。现在澳大利亚墨尔本大学(University of Melbourne)植物细胞壁研究中心(ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Cell Walls) Tony Bacic研究组工作。植物细胞壁多糖由糖基转移酶(Glycosyltransferase)参与合成,但其合成分子机理尚不清楚。其研究内容主要是运用分子生物学和生物化学分析植物糖基转移酶的功能,使用外源系统表达植物糖基转移酶并设计酶学反应,在试管中模拟植物多糖的合成,并用高效液相色谱(HPLC),质谱(Mass Spectrometry),核磁共振(NMR)等技术手段对产物进行鉴定。已在木聚糖(Xylan) 合成研究中取得一定突破,探索了植物细胞壁合成机理,对进一步改造植物细胞壁,让其更好服务人类提供了理论基础。
1. Zeng, W.; Chatterjee, M.; Faik, A. Udp-xylose-stimulated glucuronyltransferase activity in wheat microsomal membranes: Characterization and role in glucurono(arabino)xylan biosynthesis. Plant physiology 2008, 147, 78-91.
2. Zeng, W.; Jiang, N.; Nadella, R.; Killen, T.L.; Nadella, V.; Faik, A. A glucurono(arabino)xylan synthase complex from wheat contains members of the GT43, GT47, and GT75 families and functions cooperatively. Plant physiology 2010, 154, 78-97.
3. Li, L.; Huang, J.; Qin, L.; Huang, Y.; Zeng, W.; Rao, Y.; Li, J.; Li, X.; Xu, W. Two cotton fiber-associated glycosyltransferases, GhGT43a1 and GhGT43c1, function in hemicellulose glucuronoxylan biosynthesis during plant development. Physiologia plantarum2014, 152, 367-379.
4. Zhao, X.; Ouyang, K.; Gan, S.; Zeng, W.; Song, L.; Zhao, S.; Li, J.; Doblin, M.S.; Bacic, A.; Chen, X.Y., et al. Biochemical and molecular changes associated with heteroxylan biosynthesis in neolamarckia cadamba (rubiaceae) during xylogenesis. Frontiers in plant science2014, 5, 602.
5. Ford, K.L.; Zeng, W.; Heazlewood, J.L.; Bacic, A. Characterization of protein n-glycosylation by tandem mass spectrometry using complementary fragmentation techniques. Frontiers in plant science2015, 6, 674.
6. Song, L.; Zeng, W.; Wu, A.; Picard, K.; Lampugnani, E.R.; Cheetamun, R.; Beahan, C.; Cassin, A.; Lonsdale, A.; Doblin, M.S., et al. Asparagus spears as a model to study heteroxylan biosynthesis during secondary wall development. PloS one2015, 10, e0123878.
7. Kuang, B.; Zhao, X.; Zhou, C.; Zeng, W.; Ren, J.; Ebert, B.; Beahan, C.T.; Deng, X.; Zeng, Q.; Zhou, G., et al. The role of udp-glucuronic acid decarboxylase (UXS) in xylan biosynthesis in arabidopsis. Molecular plant2016, 9, 1119-1131.
8. Zeng, W.; Lampugnani, E.R.; Picard, K.L.; Song, L.; Wu, A.M.; Farion, I.M.; Zhao, J.; Ford, K.; Doblin, M.S.; Bacic, A. Asparagus IRX9, IRX10, and IRX14A are components of an active xylan backbone synthase complex that forms in the Golgi apparatus. Plant physiology 2016, 171, 93-109.
9. Ford K.; Chin T.; Srivastava V.; Zeng W.; Doblin M.; Bulone V.; Bacic A. Comparative “Golgi” proteome study of Lolium multiflorum and Populus trichocarpa. Proteomes 2016, 4, 23.