报告题目:Designer Walls: towards a sustainable future!
报告人:Professor Tony Bacic
时 间:7月21日上午9:30-10:30
地 点:智能实验楼学术报告厅
Tony Bacic教授1980年博士毕业于澳大利亚La Trobe大学,师从Bruce Stone教授。后加入墨尔本大学植物系(现生命科学学院)从事植物细胞壁研究。他的研究集中于探寻植物细胞壁(Plant Cell Wall)的分子结构,合成机理,生物功能及其产业应用。他在Science、PNAS、Plant Cell等期刊发表论文400多篇并担任Plant Physiology、Glycobiology 等杂志编辑。先后担任墨尔本Bio21生命科学研究所所长,澳大利亚科学研究基金(ARC)植物细胞壁研究中心副主任,担任数家生物技术公司科学顾问。Tony的论文被引用一万多次,h-index达到70。鉴于其在植物基础及其应用科学的杰出贡献,于2008年当选澳大利亚科学院院士。
Professor Tony Bacic graduated his BSc Hons from James Cook University of Nth Queensland. He attend La Trobe University where he was awarded his PhD in 1980 under the supervision of the late Prof Bruce A Stone. He is a James Cook University Outstanding Alumnus (2010) and a La Trobe University Distinguished Alumnus (2013). Professor Bacic currently holds a Personal Chair (1996- ) in the School of BioSciences at the University of Melbourne. Internationally recognized as a leader in plant biotechnology his research is focused on the structure, function and biosynthesis of plant cell walls and their biotechnological application as well as the application of functional genomics tools in biological systems. Prof Bacic published over 200 peer-reviewed papers.
Leader of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Plant Cell Walls team at the University of Melbourne he is also Deputy Director of that Centre. Professor Bacic has had numerous leadership roles within the University of Melbourne and the ARC, including Director Bio21 Molecular Sciences & Biotechnology Institute, Chair ARC Biological Sciences and Biotechnology & LIEF Panels and Chair Biological Sciences and Biotechnology Panel of the ERA. He was elected member of the Australian Academy of Sciences in 2008. Professor Bacic is a member of the Gene Technology Access Centre (GTAC) Board as well as a Director of several small biotechnology companies.